Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Highest Life Expectancy in the World

Japanese Live Longer Than Any Other Countries     -Why?

  Hi, it's Sho.

  The average life expectancy of the Japanese in 2011 is 79.44 years as to men and 85.90 years as to women. Those averages are the ones  of the highest levels in the world. 
Do you know why Japanese live such a long life? 

  It is said to be related to the lifestyle of Japanese. They take in less oil in comparison with other developed countries. They prefer fish and veges to meat. That's why Japanese foods are mostly healthy. 
  Also, they have a custom to take a bath everyday not just shower. And, there are many hot springs all around Japan. Taking the hot spring is said to be good for your health.

  Those are just a few of many reasons. There are more other reasons than above. But, Japanese have been changing their lifestyles little by little. They tend to eat more meat than they did before. It is not just bad thing because the most important thing is to take a well-balanced diet. 

  The average life expectancy of Japanese is not the highest in the world. Actually, it's still one of the highest ones, though we should think about it over; otherwise their life expectancy is getting lower.

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