Monday, July 29, 2013

Is It Bad-mannered to Make a Slurping Noise When Eating Noodles?

  Hi, it's Sho.

  I apologize for that I haven't published any post for a while. My flight for Japan is coming soon ,so I'm preparing for leaving.

  Do You Think It Is Bad-mannered to Slurping Noodles?

  In Japan, all the people including adults slurp noodles with making some noises. It's not considered ill-mannered even if you are slurping noodles in front of your boss. This is a typical cultural gap. But, they do not slurp Western type of noodles, such as spaghetti. They do only Asian type of noodles, such as Ra-men, Udon, and so on. you wondering why they do that?

  Why Japanese Slurp Noodles?

  I guess you guys see Japanese as well-mannered people. So, why do they behave such wrongly when eating noodles?
  Japanese are said to be dainty about foods. And, they think that slurping noodles, you can enjoy an aroma of soup and taste of noodles.

  Is This True That Slurping Noodles Makes You Enjoy Them More?

  Unfortunately, I don't know if it's true or not, but I slurp noodles. The one more reason why I slurp noodles is that I've got used to doing that!
  If you come to Japan, you can make sure if it's true or not! Or, If there is a noodle restaurant around you, you got to try slurping noodles!

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